ダニール・ハリスのインスタグラム(danneelackles512) - 5月11日 00時58分

Happy Mother’s Day Moms. This one is bittersweet for sure. In the past few months, I frequently have both joy and sadness find me in the same moment. Anyone else? What a roller coaster of emotions we must all learn to manage!?! Recently, I was taking a walk with my babies. My daughters each held one of my hands while my son rode on his Daddy’s shoulders. Just watching them filled my heart with pure joy. I looked up, the sun was shining and I had never been happier. My oldest daughter noticed my smile and we locked eyes....I had to look away quickly so I didn’t burst into tears. Their innocence and vulnerability to threats in our world and my responsibility as a mom to protect them suddenly seemed overwhelming. She squeezed my hand again and I looked back. She smiled. She was happy. She was at ease. She believed that I was strong, that I could protect her, and so she ran ahead to play. My breath came back. Our children can give us the power to rise above the fear and anxiety and to be the protectors they KNOW we are. Happy Mother’s Day. We are strong, and we are capable.... so keep smiling on this ride ❤️💪❤️ #happymothersday


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