アリシア・キーズのインスタグラム(aliciakeys) - 5月15日 07時46分

I’ve been waiting for the right moment to share this excerpt with you from #MoreMyself... ⁣ ⁣

In the early part of my teens I wrote this letter to my father, Craig. I wanted nothing to do with him. My words came from a place of vulnerability and longing. At the time it hurt so much to experience what felt like empty promises. I swore I didn’t care, but I did and it affected me deeply. I finally had enough and wrote those words.  It’s CRAZY that he kept this letter after all these years. I was so shocked when he first showed me. It was tucked away in a shoe box full of memories. I’m glad he and I can look back at it now as a sign of how far we’ve come ✨🙏🏽⁣

If you feel moved to share, send me a deep relationship that you have had to remove from your life, or one that has been mended, or that you want to see evolve, or are working on changing. ⁣

I think it’s so powerful that relationships have their own path. And sometimes they are meant to heal.... ⁣

Regardless though, most of the time the healing comes from letting go. ⁣

What are your thoughts?⁣

Sending u my love, light and strength #moremyself #cheerstotheevolution 🥂 🥂 ⁣

More Myself is available now.


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