ニーナ・ウィリアムズのインスタグラム(sheneenagins) - 5月21日 01時15分

May is Mental Health Awareness Month; have you checked in with yourself? 💆🏻‍♀️ Sleep, exercise, and social connection are important factors for a stable headspace. But what about therapy, counseling, or coaching? Wouldn’t that mean you’re like... WAY down the rabbit hole? 🐰
The short answer is no ☺️ You’re a whole, healthy, and fully human bean 🌱 in seeking out professional help. But there’s continuing stigma around ASKING for help. “I know myself better than anyone. My thoughts, my mind, my life is my own. I should be able to figure things out on my own as well.” This... is a myth!! There are parts of ourselves we DON’T know simply because we aren’t usually looking at ourselves from an outside perspective. But you CAN learn more about yourself with the help of an objective third-party 💁🏻‍♀️ Therapists, counselors, and coaches essentially help people step outside themselves by introducing new perspectives. When we glimpse parts of ourselves we’ve never seen before, it opens up potential that can free us from feeling cornered or stuck ✨
^^This is a very simplified explanation but the point is that therapy/counseling/coaching is not a sign of weakness. It’s actually a sensible thing to do. We can’t ever fully see ourselves without the help of additional pairs of eyes 👀 So why not give it a try?
‼️If you have coverage through the Affordable Care Act, there’s a good chance your plan covers behavioral health services (which includes therapy, counseling, and a variety of mental health resources) ‼️ In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, take a minute to look up what your plan offers. Go one step further and schedule an appointment. And, when the time comes, please vote in favor of the ACA (looking at you @sencorygardner). I’m incredibly grateful for the mental health resources my ACA plan offers. Everyone deserves a chance to gain new self-insight. Give yourself a chance!
Slightly irrelevant climbing photo 📸 (@james_lucas) but definitely a great mental recharge. Climbing feels so good!!! ❤️❤️
#mentalhealthawarenessmonth #affordablecareact #therapy #counseling #climbing #bouldering #unusualhashtagcombo

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