ニッキー・サンダーソンのインスタグラム(niknaksanderson) - 5月28日 00時09分

Just wanted to say a few thank yous and one big congratulations!

Thank you so much to each and everyone of you who have supported me in the last 6 weeks on my journey through the incredible programme that is @sas_whodareswins . I didn’t think I’d get through day two let alone get the the final stage.

Thank you to the show for having faith in me and letting me be a part of such an amazing experience! I am grateful to you all.

Thank you to our wonderful (yes I said wonderful) Staff! @antmiddleton @jason_carl_fox @ollie.ollerton @billingham22b @jay__morton Thank you for motivating me to do better, pushing me to go further and believing in me. I am honoured to have been given even the smallest insight into what you have experienced. You are heroes.

Annnnd the biggest thank you to my fellow recruits! I wouldn’t have got as far as I did without you all, you are the best bunch of people I could have experienced that cold painful hell with 😂 I am blessed to not only have you as my fellow recruits, but now my friends.

As for the big, I mean BIG congratulations... @theycallmelocksmith & @laurensteadmann ... You two are such worthy winners. You inspired me and helped me a lot throughout the course and you deserved to be there at the very end! Congratulations and love you both!! #sas #sbs #saswhodareswins #celebritysaswhodareswins #challenge #challengeaccepted #staff #love #friends #grateful #gratitude #congratulations #thatsallfolks


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