マット・ボマーのインスタグラム(mattbomer) - 5月29日 09時14分

Well said @philboy_q : ‘White Friends and Family, this week we watched another black man get executed in real time. I hope you’ll join me in taking a good look at the contributions you’ve made to support black lives while enjoying black culture. It’s not enough to know your hip hop trivia and buy the t-shirt. George Floyd should be alive. Please make donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, the Minnesota ACLU, and the family of George Floyd’s GoFundMe [links in bio] It’s the bare minimum.

White privilege doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been hard, it means your skin tone isn’t one of the things making it harder or less safe. All lives can’t matter until #blacklivesmatter Nothing changes if we don’t change.’
Links are in my bio as well. Please excuse, but I’m turning off comments for today. ✌️❤️.

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