ハーベイ・ニュートン・ヘイドンのインスタグラム(harveynh) - 6月1日 05時58分

I am a person of colour.
Not as many others can say because, for me, it is not necessarily visible. I have white skin but I come from a mixed minority background. Having white skin has put me in a place of privilege. My skin turned out predominantly like my father's so growing up people had mistakenly assumed that my Mother was my nanny.
When people say they don’t see colour - of course they do. You see white, yellow, brown, black. You should see colour.
It’s beautiful.
It's special.
It is nature.
A precedent has been set but a change must happen. If the people who are there to protect us turn on us then who is there to protect us apart from ourselves.
I will fight and stand united with people of colour until racial injustices and discriminations are no more. I will not turn my back on racism.
Silence is violence.
Do your part, do what is right.
Photo credit : @fuzzedupbear & @sickcrayons 🙏🏽 #blacklivesmatter #stop #racism

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