ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 6月5日 23時29分

Today you would be 27 years old. Today you would be celebrating your beautiful life. Instead today we are in still in deep mourning because your life was taken from you prematurely at the hands of the Louisville Metro Police Department & 3 of its incompetent officers who entered your home with malicious intent serving a “no knock warrant” when the people the police were looking for were already in custody. Officers opened fire & shot you 8 times, killing you in cold blood because your car was suspected to be parked outside of a home they were investigating. A beautiful soul, taken from her family & friends due to negligent police work & a killer squad of officers in Louisville who simply had the wrong house. This is a picture of me & you to remind people of just how big your smile was & though our interaction was brief, I can attest to the amazing energy you exuded & how genuinely happy you were to meet me this night. “Jayceon, you said to get my attention”.... as that always does”. I turned around & you asked for a picture & after you said “Thank you so much, we have the same last name & tell little Cali I said hi”. I appreciate you & I am the one thankful for the picture with such a beautiful soul. Your life was taken but your name will never be forgotten...... “BREONNA TAYLOR” #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter #HappyBirthdayBeautiful 🖤


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