ケイティー・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(katicatronica) - 6月6日 05時59分

@gisellebuchanan made these awesome

Black lives matter.
Black stories matter.
Black futures matter.
Black joy matters.
Black abundance matters.
Black history matters.
Black expression matters.
Black communities matter.

Thank you to the Black educators, organizers, speakers, business owners, artists, community leaders, writers and activists who pour their labour into the world. Folks to follow and learn from:


White supremacy is an issue of whiteness and involves all of us who benefit. To be a co-conspirator is to learn, listen, legislate, donate, educate, defund, dismantle, amplify. As a white passing person of privilege, I have benefited from this system. My culpability, mistakes and plan for moving forward are 100% real and my responsibility.#blacklivesmatter

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