コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 6月7日 01時02分

@noapproachnate is a climber from Columbus, OH. The language of belay (full trust in your partner), send (goal orientation) and “I’ve got you” (the bond that connects) translates to the social equity movement we are experiencing and participating in.
His post about why we need to speak up and make space in our social media conversations for this movement resonated. Hopefully you’ll take five minutes to listen to his voice, consider your action (or lack of) and become part of how we realign the United States by eliminating systemic racism.
If you are white and reading this consider your actions. Is this moment in time making you feel guilt and shame? Are you defensive and rationalizing your avoidance of action because you have prioritized your emotions over those that are suffering?
Take action today. Sign a petition, contact your elected officials, be open to conversation, start conversations, understand white privilege and amplify your voice. Nate and millions of others are counting on us.


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