DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 6月10日 12時14分

As lots of our long time fans would know, our goal is always and has always been to bring light hearted happiness to those who follow along in our journey. We’re rarely lost for ideas and inspiration on how to spark joy in others, but this week in particular, we really struggled to make light hearted happy feelings flow during the current situation in the world. We struggled to comprehend how in 2020, with so many amazing advancements in equality that the world has made, how it’s even real that black people still live through such brutal and very real racism that undoubtedly still exists. We pondered over keep on keeping on and trying to being joy in such a dark time, but the truth is, we felt the darkness ourselves. It’s been a big week of reflection, learning and consuming content from people within the black community. We feel totally privileged to be able to learn about everything, whilst never feeling their daily fear or pain. We want to acknowledge that we will never truly be able to say the right thing on social media, no amount of black tile will ever cut it and that it’s very tempting to say nothing at all in fear of being scrutinised. There’s the consideration that you might be unfollowed for your views or for being too ‘political’. But at the end of the day this is not politics, it’s basic human decency that people are being denied of because of the colour pigment in their skin.
This is something we deeply care about and we feel that our silence speaks louder in the wrong direction. We are loudly stating here today that we fully support black people and the entire black lives matter movement. The fact that it even has to be considered a ‘movement’ is still so shocking.
We aim to not only support this privately but do better from a business perspective with @darrenandphillip
We want to go on providing happiness because that’s what we’re here to do. But we couldn’t let this pass us by as a fleeting phase with one black tile and move on. We will work behind the scenes to learn and we encourage everybody in our lives to do the same. ♥️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




