クィーン・ハリソンのインスタグラム(goqueengo) - 6月22日 11時56分

“Now you know, Quedith don’t play about her Daddy.” Father’s Day looks different now. My body had a difficult time waking up this morning and I realized I was crying almost as soon as I opened my eyes. Slowly, I settled down and remembered that today is a celebration of you, Pops. Your job on this Earth was not only being father to me and my siblings but the father of civilization. There are so many families who’ve learned under your tutelage, so many scholars that have excelled at school through your guidance and so many young Black men that have seen greatness and God in themselves through your eyes.
My father was a force of knowledge, wisdom, strength, confidence and loyalty and through watching him I learned to be these myself. Just like my father, I hold my head high and speak my mind knowing that my voice is valid and powerful to anyone who is privileged to hear what I have to say. I am you.

Happy Father’s Day now & forever, from this Earth to the heavens above and to every realm that you now frequent. My main man, God Kundalini Isa Allah a.k.a. POPS ❤️ I love you.

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