トニー・ホークのインスタグラム(tonyhawk) - 6月27日 01時35分

Two legends: Chad Muska recently declined his nomination to the Skateboarding Hall Of Fame and humbly offered it to Kareem Campbell. While I think they both deserve to be inducted, it cannot be overstated the impact Kareem has had on equality and inclusivity in skateboarding. Many black skaters have expressed that Kareem paved the way for skating’s acceptance in their communities, and inspired them with his effortless style. Thank you Chad for using your platform to effect positive change. And thank you Kareem for breaking so many boundaries... and for offering me $20 to drop in on that big vert wall in Sacto so long ago.


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The Macallanのインスタグラム
The Macallanさんがフォロー
