DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 7月2日 07時18分

Ugh I’m gonna be late for work again. I don’t know who invented dat 9am was a reasonable hour to go to work. Obviously it was some doofus dat didn’t watch Netflix. I didn’t even get to poop dis morning, 5th morning in a row I’ve had to run out de door without pooping and now I’ve gotta drink my coffee and hope I make it to work in time to race to de bathroom. At least I’ve got coffee and my food. I don’t care how late I am I’m not skipping my stop off to get food. BEEEP MOVE IDIOT CAN U NOT READ A ROAD SIGN GOSH!! Ugh, human drivers, shocking. I almost died. I’m lucky to be alive.
Maybe I’ll tell de boss I got in an accident and can’t come to work? Haven’t used dat excuse since Wednesday last week. Look at all dese people sitting in cafes why don’t dey have to work? Is dere some government scheme I’m missing out on? Seems like it’s just me? I don’t know why I even bother at dis point My Uber eats bill was huge last week and now I’m just working to pay bills surely dats no way to live? I know one fing is for sure if sharon even tries to land any more work on me today I’m walking out. See ya bye. Maybe I’ll provoke her, throw my paws in de air and take a weeks stress leave. Ew orange and poppyseed!!? I wanted blueberry damn it!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




