ケイトリン・オズモンドのインスタグラム(kaetkiss) - 7月16日 09時01分

How are you feeling today?

What excited you?

What made you angry?

What do you need or want this very second ?

I am good today. I had a day I’m proud of. I was productive, yet not overwhelmed. I got out for a beautiful drive in the warm summer heat and got to kill my abs teaching a core class.

What excited me today was socializing poolside, finally meeting some pretty interesting people that happen to be my neighbours.

What angered me was forgetting to take the bag of garbage I was supposed to toss before I headed to the pool. The end result was me coming back to my dog tearing through it...

Right now I’m doing exactly what I feel like I should be doing. I was productive enough today that I can relax guilt free. Soaking up the evening heat while being wrapped in the softest of robes. I’ve forgiven Rasquette for her annoyances and she’s laying beside me on her bed because she’s scared of the hanging egg.

I’m saying all this because I forget sometimes that I can take time for me and the things that make me happy. Or I take too much time for myself and fall behind on my responsibilities. Today I had a balanced day. And balance never was my strong suit..

So I dare everyone to take a minute at the end of your day and ask yourself. How do I feel? What was the best part of my day? What made it challenging? And what do I want to do to wind down from the day that will fill me with good vibes? Enjoy!

#goodfeelings #winddownwednesday #balance #wellness


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



