パク・ジュンヒョンのインスタグラム(godjp) - 7月19日 13時14分

요오우~ 작년여름은이랫는대 몃개월사이에 전세계가 너무많이변햇내 차암나...그니깐 항상우리가 이미갓구있는개 얼마나소중한지 다들알아애돼 욕씸부리지말구... 차암나~ 그니깐 다들이소중한시간들 살랑하는사람들과 한순간한순간 즐겁개잘지내 매애앤 글구 주말쓰 안전하개 마물쓰~ 하느님의축복으로~ 빼애앰~!!!
Yo~ Last Summer I was doin this and within
A few months sooo many things have changed all over the world~ The simple things in life we took for granted like walking outside without a mask or goin to the beach or just walkin to the store and meeting up with friends etc... now... is almost an impossible task... sigh.. Thats why we should always just appreciate MORE all the things we already have in life instead of being greedy... because human greed is what brought us to what we are experiencing now... So lets all apprecaite the priviledges and blessings we already thave with the ones we love and everyone please stay safe!
God Bless~ BBBAAAMMM!!!
#지오디 #fangod #박준형 #JoonPark #ParkJoonHyung #surfer #surfing #Bali #서핑 #AgentOrange #ThingsDontSeemToBeSoEasyAsTheyUsedToBe #EverythingTurnsGrey #EVERYONEstaySAFEandWearAfreakingMaskIfnotforYourselfFortheSakeOfOthers #다들마스크꼭쓰구다녀매애앤 #서퍼 #파도요올라뤼쓰타구싶다 #와썹맨 #칼쳐맨 #wassupman #cartureman #위애한글로쓴후영어루번녁해서쓰다영어가더요올라뤼쓰길어져쓰그래서오늘은해쉬태그여기까쥐이쓰차암나 #SeoulKorea #Kpop


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