レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 8月9日 04時39分

Even before this pandemic started, I’ve wanted to build a community around being “well enough”. Wellness for the imperfectly able-bodied. Wellness is a word we throw around a lot nowadays, but for each and every one of us, it means something so specific and different. Honestly...each day it means something different for me, each hour. Sometimes, I feel well enough to get dressed up in a hot pink blazer and learn a Tik Tok dance. Other days, I only feel well enough to get out of bed for food, water, and Ingrid cuddles. Being just enough for you is all that you can ask for, and it’s all that can be asked of you...especially today in this global pandemic. If any positivity can come out of this mess, it’s that we should all hold way more space for one another to be imperfect and to be #wellenough.


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