クロエ・ベネットのインスタグラム(chloebennet) - 8月12日 03時47分

Swipe to see an idiot. Took this video July 14 2019 right before I read my last #agentsofshield script. In true marvel fashion we never really knew what would happen to our characters until we read the scripts. For 7 years it was always a little treat to see a new one pop up in my email. A new chance to learn about the characters we spent so much time playing. In hindsight it’s pretty weird/hilarious that I filmed myself before and after reading the last one... cause like why? lol But also, makes good content. Anyway. This was me after simply READING the episode. So...Good luck to all of us trying to WATCH this shit tomorrow. 😈😭🤭( @agentsofshield the SERIES finale. Tomorrow night. Be there. )

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