イアン・サマーホルダーのインスタグラム(iansomerhalder) - 8月22日 01時24分

I have been chomping at the bit to show you this! Having the HONOR of being in this film and being an Executive Producer has changed me forever... Here is the trailer to our film @kissthegroundmovie It took Josh and Rebecca Tickell 7 years to make this film with our extraordinary team. I shot the 1st footage with Geoff Shotz 9 YEARS AGO in Africa filming Allan Savory! EVERYONE. This film is the greatest work of my lifetime and my greatest accomplishment (other than being born and having kids of course) I’ve never been more proud of anything in my life. Ever. You’ll see why. This is a simple solution to literally stop climate change in its tracks. Please WATCH this. Please SHARE this. NOW. This film will change the world and our lives. Thank you to our team and thank you @ジゼル・ブンチェン @トム・ブレイディ @ウディ・ハレルソン @ロザリオ・ドーソン @ジェイソン・ムラーズ @デヴィッド・アークエット and this ENTIRE TEAM of dedicated world-changing talents! The movement starts with the film and @kisstheground . Let’s do this TOGETHER! Follow, share and let’s shape our bright future!
SOUND ON! GET INSPIRED! WE WORKED SO HARD! Share share share! The film launches SEPTEMBER 22nd on @ネットフリックス !!!!



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




