ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 8月31日 17時19分

It was actually @ChrisTucker and @チャーリー・シーン who got me hired to direct my first film #MoneyTalks I met Chris doing stand up for the #DefComedyJam and asked him to be in my music video for #HeavyD for his song #NuttinButLove in 1994 for #UptownRecords Chris wanted $1000 but I only could afford $500. He agreed to do it if I let him keep his wardrobe. It was one of the first rap videos that used dialogue. I stopped the music in the middle of the video and had Chris do a mini dialogue scene with @rebeccagayheartdane. The video came out and was a hit on MTV, BET and the Box and really did a lot for my career. I started getting paid in full. I was used to working for free because I not loved my job but was happy to pay my dues. I recognized that Chris’s talent had a lot to do with the success of the video and my career as a director so I decided to send him the other $500 he asked for. Monetary remuneration is a byproduct of excellence and Chris was beyond excellent in the video. I guess he got ithr check when he needed it because he never forgot me because when #NewLineCinema was looking for a director for #MoneyTalks he recommended me to the studio and that’s how I got my first feature film. The rest is history! The lesson here for all you up and coming filmmakers is to always appreciate when an actor or someone from your crew does a good job for you (which in fact is helping you get up a very steep ladder). I wanted to show Chris my gratitude for his exceptional work so I sent him a check but a hand written letter works just as well! My appreciation for his talent and hard work came back a million times over! Chris is not only a comedic genius and a very talented actor but was never content with just being good. Chris studied the greats and wanted to be greater and constantly challenged me to strive for perfection which is the reason we did such great work together that we were so proud of. Happy Bday Chris. Love you and G-d Bless you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




