ロバート・グリフィン3世のインスタグラム(rgiii) - 9月7日 23時06分

It’s hard to believe we are already here. Although this year has been filled with uncertainty and quarantines, the silver lining has been being able to spend significantly more valuable time with you. Seeing every, smile, hearing every laugh and watching you achieve every milestone. These are cherished memories that working Dads don’t always get to experience first hand with their children due to their professions. I’m blessed to have witnessed and actively shared in them with you. Mom and I thought our hearts were full after your two sisters, but you swooped right in and made us make room for you. Your smile lights up the room. Your laugh makes others join in. You are a unifying force in a world that needs it now more than ever. We can’t wait to see how you go out and change the world for the better. You are amazing, gorgeous and one of a kind. We are honored to be your parents. You can be anything you want to be and accomplish anything you put your mind to.
You have many milestones of accomplishment ahead of you, but let’s start with you sleeping in your own bed ha ha. @gretegiii and Daddy would greatly appreciate that 🙏🏾
We love you Gameya, Happy Birthday baby girl!
#HappyBirthday #Gameya #TheBigOne #FirstBirthday #Smile #WhatAFeeling #Birthday #Baby


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