Honolulu Myohoji Missionのインスタグラム(honolulumyohoji) - 9月8日 08時53分

[The mind of essential self]
We often call “spirit” as the mind of our essential self, but what is the true spirit, or true self?
The mind of our true self is composed of three: truth, goodness, and beauty. In Japanese, we call it 真、善、美.
The mind of truth, goodness, and beauty is indeed what we call buddha nature.

Truth: Genuine state of mind.
Beauty: The state of all harmonization.
Goodness: Manifestation of pure love.

#lotussutra teaches a kit how to love others with pure mind.

The full story is available on YouTube as well!
Search: Honolulu Myohoji on YouTube 📺✌🏼

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