レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 9月10日 02時29分

From @ApibOficial: Which Side Are You On?

Did you know that tropical rainforests don’t burn naturally? The large fires you see in the Amazon are caused by arson to open up forests for cattle and associated industries. This year the Brazilian Amazon, as well as other Brazilian Biomes, are once again burning at a catastrophic rate, putting indigenous lands, irreplaceable biodiversity, and carbon rich forests at risk.

The Indigenous Peoples of Brazil want you to see this video that asks governments and brands from all over the world, "Can you guarantee you are not taking part in the criminal Amazon fires? Which side are you on: Amazon or Bolsonaro?”

#DefundBolsonaro #AmazonOrBolsonaro #WhichSideAreYouOn #StopTheFires #AmazonCeaseFire


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