クィーン・ハリソンのインスタグラム(goqueengo) - 9月10日 02時41分

LOOK AT THIS! This is NOT allyship nor advocating for Black lives, it’s exploitation! I am DISGUSTED y’all. How can a company think that naming jewelry after MURDERED people at the hands of police and violent bigots (“The Trayvon”, “The Breonna”, “The Elijah”) is inspiring and “doing their part”, how? I am enraged that #shanshui has reduced these beautiful lives to price tags (also did y’all see “The Tanisha” necklace is on SALE?! 😔) their lives are not for sale, their memories are not for sale. You did not KNOW them, you did not contact their families... this is not the right way. STOP STOP! It’s performative allyship. These protests are not a show to be experienced, it’s a plea for our lives and wellbeing. I’m saddened and I am so sorry to the families.
*swipe to see their half hearted response and justification.
Black trauma is so commercialized in this country. 💔


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