ケイトリン・オズモンドのインスタグラム(kaetkiss) - 9月14日 03時21分

Finding the words to express the extent of love and gratitude I have for these guys is impossible. This year has been hard, painful, scary, and unpredictable. But it’s been equally wonderful because of the endless amount of laughter with these wonderful humans. The world of possibilities are endless when surrounded by people who believe in each other.

When you have good friends, it doesn’t matter how tired you are, or how bad your day was. They can always make you laugh.

My favourite kind of pain is always the kind when your friends make you laugh so hard that it hurts your stomach so badly.

There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and just live life a little better.

📸 @Alex Sinicyn #friends #lovethem #keepfriendsclose #endlesslaughter


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