リッキー・ファウラーのインスタグラム(rickiefowler) - 9月21日 23時27分

US Opens are typically a test where you are going to fail at some point but it is all about how you respond to those failures(mistakes) and this year was a hard but fair test! Way too many mistakes for me and arguably the worst putting week of my career hello T-49🤷🏽‍♂️ There are still a lot of positives tee to green for me to take away...a couple weeks to get some good work in and then off to Vegas...big congrats to @ブライソン・デチャムボー on a hell of performance...led the field in fewest mistakes and that round you put together yesterday was impressive!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Mercedes-Benz USAのインスタグラム
Mercedes-Benz USAさんがフォロー

