トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 9月29日 09時22分

#MyFirstTime voting was for Barack Obama in 2008. It was my senior year of college and I was SO EXCITED to vote for the first Black president of the United States. I still remember walking to the polling place on USC’s campus and standing in line with my friends. Voting for Obama was a vote for change. A vote for the future of this country. It was a vote for ALL people – no matter their race or socioeconomic background. It was a vote for accessible healthcare, education and taking care of our planet. I’ll never forget my first…

Since 2008, I’ve never missed voting in an election. It’s just too important. Whether I’ve cast my absentee ballot by mail or walked my three-week-old daughter to the polls, I make my voice heard. Part of making my voice heard is also volunteering – spending time taking action when it’s not Election Day. It's even more motivating to do it as a family. @halfadams and I want our daughter to know her voice matters – and so we show up to vote, we show up to volunteer.

Is this your first time voting? What about volunteering? I’ll be voting early this election and I just signed up for a virtual volunteer shift. Join me (link in bio) to help flip some swing states! Let’s do this. Tag me in your #MyFirstTime voting post so I can hear your story.

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