Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 9月30日 07時50分

I want to thank Existence for giving me the strength and its Blessing to continue rescuing Angels from the worst circumstances. All Religions say that God is OmniPresent, and I know this for a fact. This is how we treat God; What you do to others you do to God himself. I came into the world knowing that I would witness Judgement Day, and before I leave my body I know that I will witness it. I have zero doubts in my mind so I know that it will happen in my lifetime. Growing up, I momentarily forgot what I just told you, but when I was around 20, Existence kept asking me about which side I wanted to be when all this Fake World falls. Since then, every single one of my actions has been dedicated to The Spirit. I’m not saying that I’m a good person, someone as violent as me has to keep himself checked 24/7 or my idiotic part will win, but that’s my struggle, and all I can tell you is that you either represent the good of Humanity or the evil of Humanity. How you treat others is a reflection of how you treat yourself, and by the way, since God is OmniPresent, how you treat yourself is how you are treating God. Take this as a message from The Spirit itself and behave accordingly. I want to thank my friend @flascu for making this rescue possible. His name is Angel of course. Please THINK BLUE.
#ThinkBlue #BabyAngelBJWT #BJWTDOGS #PapaBearChronicles #ThinkBlue


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