レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 10月11日 08時04分

There is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.
-Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

In my twenties I worked hard- too hard- and I didn’t know why. To impress boys? To buy a purse I’d inevitably lose? To be able to say that I was worth something to the capitalist machine? I now know I was working toward this- a room of one‘s own, a room with a view. A place where my mind does not need to constrict to fit impossible shapes or please impossible customers. A place where my story gives birth to other stories. On #worldmentalhealthday, I honor every woman who fights for the sliver of space she deserves- where she is more than a diagnosis and where she can truly breathe. I will never stop trying to tell our stories.


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