カトリナ・バルフのインスタグラム(caitrionabalfe) - 10月16日 02時32分

It’s with a heavy heart that I share that I’ve had to say goodbye to my little love Eddie. She has been my constant companion for 17 years ... from NY to LA and the Glasgow. She had the greatest personality. Converted many a “I don’t like cats” person, she loved people, sleep and food ... she could always find the warmest spot in the house and loved to sunbathe. I will be forever grateful for the years I got to share with her .. and a huge thanks you to her many sitters who showered her with love, Jess, Marnie, Simon .. and everyone else who loved her ... I hope she’s resting somewhere great with all the Pho or Indian food she can eat ... (the girl loved a curry!!) 💔💔💔💔


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