アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーのインスタグラム(schwarzenegger) - 10月16日 04時33分

I believe in equality with my whole heart, and I’m honored to host this summit on race and equity with @uscedu, @twitch & @attndotcom. This won’t just be a summit with talk. It is time for action. Unfinished Business will produce a blueprint for change. Tune in Friday-Sunday at the link in my bio.

In May, I wrote a piece for @theatlantic you can read at the link in my bio.

I said, “We have to be willing to listen, to learn, to look in the mirror & see that none of us is perfect. We have to be willing to see one another as Americans, & not as enemies. We have to be willing to sit down & do the hard work of reform without worrying about stupid party lines.”

I meant every word. And now it’s time for work. I want to thank @real_sharpton, Professor Shaun Harper and Professor Erroll Southers for being my partners in this. I’ll be interviewing some big names like @ericholder, Chief Art Acevedo, @secretarycarson, and of course Rev. Sharpton. I really hope all of you tune in to learn along with me.

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