ブリアナ・エヴィガンのインスタグラム(brianaevigan) - 10月19日 11時50分

My brother his wife and our best family friend Scott all flew to Nashville to surprise my dad for his bday while our family was visiting my sis. We got him real good! Double surprise, last slide is the second part of it. It was an amazing trip. Family IS love. We really are all connected at the hip. Be affectionate to those you love, be kind, be honest. We all need each other. Going through all this tonight sure put a smile on my face before leaving tomorrow. A lucky girl I am to have all of this around me and so much more all of the time, makes you think about a lot of things. Thanks guys for being you, and for being the way you are with me. Ness, Birdie and Mav can dress me up, feed me the food they don’t want, lick me, pick their nose, wipe it on me, hang on me, whatever... forever. What a great example you’ve all set for me. 🧡 #loveistheweapon #dontworrybehappy take it from the kiddos


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



