ブライオニー・ペイジのインスタグラム(bryony_page) - 10月25日 01時32分

1, 2 or 3? ➡️➡️➡️

Judge and coach feedback is encouraged. In fact I’m really interested in what people have to say about rudi as a skill - do you like performing it, coaching it, judging it? Should it be a set requirement, is it a “dead-end skill”, should people learn it before/after/same time as doubles...etc.

I had some really lovely responses from lots of you when I shared my rudi on my stories a few days ago, thank you! So decided I’d put a few more attempts from yesterday’s training on my actual feed. Rudis have been a skill I’ve not needed for a while, but have avoided in certain instances where they could have been quite useful (e.g. a 1.5 twist skill was required for certain uni and regional comps - I chose full full or rudi out over competing a rudi). Mentally more of a challenge, and clearly after a bit of work on it, technically I am finding it difficult, but fun to find the balance between somersault and twist! So after a few years of not really doing them, I tried them again and felt super happy when I did!

#rudi #trampolining #trampolineskills #trampoline #twisting #tricking

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