クルーウェラのインスタグラム(krewella) - 11月3日 09時20分

Betttt. J cast her ballot in an official box. I went in person. We voted with all those who can’t in mind. All of those who are struggling, anxious, and scared about what the future of this country holds. From social issues to the environment in our hearts. Tomorrow is terrifying, but we have this one day to go— if you haven’t voted yet you still have time. And every single vote does absolutely fucking count, not just for the presidency but for local govt personnel and the propositions that have the ability to change lives for the better. Stay safe, if you have privilege use it for the common GOOD, watch out for others and those who need it, keep the faith. We got this. Big love to all ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




