ラモーネ・モリスのインスタグラム(lamorne) - 11月11日 06時23分

Happy birthday to this weasel. She wanted me to say something nice for her birthday. But as you all know, I’m not capable of such foolishness.

This year has had its ups and downs and through it all @iamalesharenee has remained DM-less. So go ahead and give it a slide. All slides are welcome. If she doesn’t respond it’s because she’s not interested. But slide nonetheless. (Insert sappy quote about friendship and family here). Also, whenever we read lines together, she yells at me for not having the framing right for her angles. Pretty girls always complain about angles. Smh.

Anyway, have you slid yet? If she doesn’t respond it’s probably because she’s getting too many to focus. Please don’t send nudes, unless it’s of Morgan Freeman. She Loves Morgan Freeman.
Anyway. Happy Birthday @iamalesharenee Love you!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



