ローレン・ハウレギのインスタグラム(laurenjauregui) - 11月13日 04時32分

Swipe: #FUCKICE This is truly unconscionable.
How the fuck can you say you’re a human & be ok with this?
Truly asking you. #ABOLISHICE no one should be profiting off of doing this type of shit, they should be in prison. Are we really just gonna not talk about this? Biden’s immigration plans are bandaids to the state of affairs. It shouldn’t have to get THIS HEINOUS for us to recognize that these detention centers (aka internment, concentration, reservation, re-education, incarceration, reformation, indoctrination camps) are ALL FORMS OF TORTURE. OF THE MIND BODY & SPIRIT. It is a crime against humanity. Are we even gonna talk about the proxy wars? Or the bombs we drop? Are we gonna talk about the exploitation & abuse of Africa, Southern America, Middle East, & beyond for their resources?! INCLUDING THEIR PEOPLE & LABOR!! Not to mention the “territories” “dependents” & “bases” Ya know, the REASONS why these people have to seek asylum in the first place?! Are we JUST GONNA KEEP NOT TALKING ABOUT IT AND PAYING FOR IT WITH OUR OWN TAX DOLLARS?! 🤢 PS, this just got WORSE, but it has been happening for DECADES. History continues to repeat itself. It’s actually pathetic how many times we’ve had to play out this narrative & how many have suffered to this day because of our refusal to reckon with the truth of our past & present. Hitler modeled his ideologies off of American racism. Off of watching the removal & enslavement of Native folks from their lands & the cruelty LEGALLY unleashed on the African folks they displaced. Because they wanted the riches. Displacement because they wanted more territory. Displacement because they wanted more money. Displacement because they wanted more power. Displacement because they want control. Displacement because they want your soul. And what do you do when there’s nowhere to go? What happens when you bomb someone’s country into a “shit hole” and their only choice is to flee their home? reach out their hand to the usurpers for a crumb of a chance at their “American Dream” in the land sold as safe and free. To end up in places like these? Sickening. Anyone who justifies this will be handled accordingly by God.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




