Bianca Cheah Chalmersのインスタグラム(biancamaycheah) - 11月13日 05時53分

💤 Sleep training: Remember when I used to do this for Olly’s bedtime routine? Baby bath, baby massage with lullaby music followed by mamas milk, a 15 mins rock, then bedtime. Arghhh, really missing these these days TBH 😭. Since Olly has regressed on his sleep training (teething, leaps, changes at home etc) we’ve been making a few little tweaks here and there to help him learn how to soothe himself again. And whilst there’s so many sleep training methods out there, we chose the one that worked best for Oliver with the least amount of crying — the Camp It Out Method (link in my bio). It’s been 2 weeks now, and seriously the key for us has really been a calm and orderly bedtime routine 😴. There is no absolute right way to set one up, all kids are respond differently. But the one thing for us has been consistency with the below...

1. Bath time and brush teeth
2. Put him in his jimmy jams/ pyjamas
2. 8 ounces of formula or organic milk
3. Bed time stories with his night lights on. He usually chooses the book he wants me to read.
4. Good night kisses to dad
5. Big bear hug and kiss from me
6. Place him in his sleeping bag, then lay him down in his crib with his night lights on around him and his lullaby music playing.
7. I turn on his noise machines LOUD so it blocks any unwanted noise from the road or lounge room
8. Give him his glow in the dark night dummy/ pacifiers attached to loveys. He sleeps with two, one in each hand 🥰
9. Then stroke his head saying his sleep training phrase, “it’s sleepy time now, I LOVE you”
10. He goes straight to sleep and doesn’t wake up till 7am. Sometimes he will wake in the middle of the night if he’s saturated in pee, or is teething really badly. But majority of the time he sleeps from 7pm to 7am.

I know baby sleep consultants can be costly, so I hope this can help YOU and your little one. Just remember all children are different, and to do what works best for your little one. The above has all been guided and advised to us via a baby sleep consultant @babysleepmagic and Oliver’s paediatrician.


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