デビッド・ポーコックのインスタグラム(davidpocock) - 11月13日 07時58分

Such a good afternoon at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary learning more about their work. I also got to meet a young eastern bettong!! @mulligansflat is a sanctuary in the suburbs of Canberra that protects the largest remaining box gum woodland in public ownership in Australia. Box gum grassy woodlands are critically endangered due to land clearing. The sanctuary is home to a thriving population of eastern bettongs. Bettongs were once so abundant in the Canberra district that they were considered an agricultural pest, but have been locally extinct for 120 years. Bettongs are 'ecosystem engineers' helping woodlands stay healthy by digging (which improves water infiltration and seed dispersal) and spreading native truffles, which they eat and are important for tree health. Mulligans Flat reintroduced a population in 2012, and have since introduced eastern quolls and other locally extinct or critically endangered species. Entry is free and the sanctuary is open 24/7. Would love to see more funding for projects like this in the ACT. Thanks to @ecology.millie and the team for taking the time to show us around!


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