ウィル・サッソのインスタグラム(willsasso) - 11月20日 15時13分

I remember this day. We had pancakes that morning, went for ice cream after the game, and Mom made lasagna that night. Later still, I ate a bag of chips while watching Letterman. Old Dutch sour cream & onion. They’re Canada’s preferred brand of chip. The dill pickle are really good too. [EDIT: Of course you can’t go wrong with the ketchup either. The BBQ and the all dressed and the salt & vinegar and the plain are pretty good as well.] I also snacked on a couple packs of black licorice throughout the day and a dozen or so pears from the tree in our backyard. [UPDATE: None of this is true, I don’t remember what I ate that day - but I highly recommend Old Dutch chips and my Mom’s lasagna.] #TBT 1987


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