Amelia Zadroのインスタグラム(ameliazadro) - 11月27日 00時31分

Whilst I don’t currently live in America,
I’m pausing my personal content today & learning about the history of thanksgiving which is also a day of mourning for many.
This year I’ve remembered the importance of actively continuing my education on past and present inequalities in our world and I figure a holiday like this is a good prompt to dig deep and pay respect for land, culture and people that have suffered.
The reading I’ve been doing on how to decolonise thanksgiving has also pointed me back to researching the history of the land on which I currently live here in England.
Where do you live? Do you know much about the history and native traditions?
I find it crazy how normal it is to feel disconnected from the land we live on and it’s stories.
Learn with me (if you feel inclined) via links in my stories.
We got a better chance of building a more inclusive & sustainable future if we keep learning together 💛


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