エリン フェザーストンのインスタグラム(erinfetherston) - 11月30日 02時12分

Toddler room make-over reveal! I'm so excited to show my son's new bedroom designed in collaboration with @potterybarnkids and to share the story behind this fun-filled room which parallels our journey as a family. My son was actually born in this room! An unplanned home birth that fortunately resulted in a beautiful, peaceful birth attended by my husband, my first born (who was 3 at the time) and my Dr who had come over just a few minutes prior to check how I was doing (with the intention of us all going to the hospital). I didn't put much of a decorating effort into his room when he was born because I had co-slept with my first born for the first year of his life (leaving his perfectly decorated nursery virtually unused). But my second settled into his room right away and was able to sleep independently in his crib, so after a year of him sleeping in our guest room, I knew it was time for a design make-over! I'm so happy I waited as it gave me time to see my baby's personality emerge. Thank you @potterybarnkids for working with me to create a bright, cheery space filled with color that will grow with my happy-go-lucky little guy. Check out my stories for all the details! 📷@ryangarvin #lovemypbk

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