ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 11月30日 02時45分

Happy Birthday to @marcbernardin - the better half of #FatManBeyond! Nearly every week for years now, I’ve stood beside the former @latimes, @entertainmentweekly, and @ハリウッド・リポーター newsman at the @scumandvillainycantina and questioned in every episode how he wasn’t being hired to write entertainment instead of writing *about* entertainment. So the minute I got a show of my own to run with the @ネットフリックス @masters series, I immediately brought Marc to #eternia with me! But the man needed no help from me: by then, he had already given up the news game and took the plunge into full time screenwriting. @castlerockhulu and @treadstone have both benefitted from Spider-Marc’s uncanny ability to spin webs with words that ensnare the audience. And when I was off on the #jayandsilentbobrebootroadshow Tour, Marc not only kept the home fires burning, he created something fresh with his #blackmanbeyond live show. Tune in to see Birthday Bernardin tomorrow night, when we gush about the debut of @ロザリオ・ドーソン in @themandalorian on Monday night’s new episode of #fatmanbeyond! Until then, drop by his @Instagram and @Twitter feeds to give the newly old man a little love! Happy Birthday, Marvelous Marc! May you write for @marvelstudios, @スター・ウォーズ, and @dccomics movies like you wanna - but may you get to tell *your* stories too (if you don’t give ‘em all away during the podcasts first)! #KevinSmith #marcbernardin #birthday #podcast

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