patagoniaのインスタグラム(patagonia) - 12月4日 07時37分

After Sion Milosky died at Mavericks in 2011, the big wave surfing community was stunned. It was a wake-up call; with the surfing advancing faster than the safety system, something had to change. Later that year, Kohl Christensen and Danilo Couto got a group of surfers together on the North Shore, Oahu, and held a CPR course. It was the first unofficial Big Wave Risk Assessment Group meeting which over the next decade would evolve into a worldwide, 14-stop tour covering ocean risk management, CPR and AED training, medical intervention, spot analysis, mindful breathing, emergency action planning, and water rescue, taught by some of the best emergency response trained big wave surfers in the world.⁠

Click the link in bio to watch “Connected by Water – The Story Behind the Big Wave Safety Movement” or on the @patagonia_surf channel.⁠

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