コートニー・ラブのインスタグラム(courtneylove) - 12月9日 01時31分

Here’s a nice homage too (@kurtcobain), though @マイリー・サイラス was very sweet, and I’m touched.
As @ラナ・デル・レイ says, “My legacy is my lovemaking“ the motto of the soft feminist Illuminati... and I couldn’t agree more.
Can someone please translate our motto into Latin? I may get a tattoo of it.
When this clip of Nirvana on “The Word” in the UK 🇬🇧 played I heard about it in Germany, right as I was about to go onstage. Despite it seeming possibly vulgar to some, it isn’t, it was really sweet, and made me chuckle. Sort of embarrassed and sort of not.
The song “Doll Parts“ is a homage I wrote in 20 minutes in a girl named Joyce’s bathroom in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I had to write most of the lyrics on my arm in sharpie as I ran out of paper. People were pounding on the door as I wrote it. It was played for the first time about an hour later , at the Virgin megastore in Boston .
It was about a boy, whose band had just left town, who I’d been sleeping with, who I heard was sleeping with 2 other girls, it was my way of saying “You’re a fucking idiot if you don’t choose ME, and here is all the desire and fury and love that I feel for you.“
Good songs don’t always come in 20 minutes but the force was strong and that one did.
Anyway I married that guy. 🦢 👑

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