カテリーナ・スコーソンのインスタグラム(caterinascorsone) - 12月12日 00時30分

I’m going to say this as straight as I can. Get ready. Some of you won’t like it. But I love you even if we disagree, and I have to say what is true for me. Here it goes. The death penalty is deeply wrong. It is pre-meditated and sanctioned but that doesn’t take away the murder part of taking a person’s life on purpose. The death penalty is the crowning jewel of a broken and loaded criminal justice system that feeds off of and punishes the poor for being poor. Their economic disadvantage is woven into a system that requires this disadvantage to advance other members of the same system. The death penalty has been co-opted and politicized through identity politics in order to secure the Christian vote but that co-opted branding is a gaslight. The death penalty is completely counter to a Christian value system. The Pope himself is completely against it. Jesus died of the death penalty. It is counter to the 10 commandments and the sermon on the mount. It disproportionately affects marginalized communities. It hurts the poor. Jesus would have hated it. I’m pretty sure my feed is about to be filled with lots of anger and hate. People will probably say some pretty mean things. -I accept that you disagree with me and i forgive you in advance because, among other things, Jesus suggests turning the other cheek -for my own sake if not for yours. He wasn’t big on bitterness, resentment and revenge. Tit for tat wasn’t His thing. Neither was killing people. Even if they killed Him first. (Okay, battening down the hatches. See you after the storm has passed.) With love. ❤️


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