ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 12月13日 06時29分

I’m slowly getting more active and it is GLORIOUS to feel some semblance of mySELF back. I can’t stop thinking about how a little bit of self prioritizing would have made such a difference in my past postpartum selveS.

Such is life though. We grow, we change, some of us have babies, some of us don’t. The path determines our present. I’ve been six different people with six different babies.

Today Niko is six weeks old. This is a milestone that I have used in the past to crush my self esteem with unrealistic expectations of what my body should look like. But I swam today, aware of what my body might feel like, listening carefully to what my physical ability might look like after an unmediated childbirth (my two epidural births were quick recoveries). I nearly wept with gratitude.

And then, when I walked towards the parking lot I passed a woman talking on a cell phone: “guess who I saw today at the pool? The woman with six kids!”.

I am our very own small town Momma Duggar. 😐😅


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