Shannonのインスタグラム(shaaanxo) - 12月14日 07時19分

Prepare for a couple more posts from this weekend throughout the day 😂💓 I have so many pictures I wanna share but here’s a couple I love from when I arrived on Friday 🥺 my bridesmaids had set up my room all beautiful and I literally BALLED my eyes out when I walked in lol 😭💓 my cousin couldn’t make it bc covid, and she wrote me a letter too which was just so special. She did so much to help plan and organize even though she couldn’t make it 😭💓 on the Friday we all went out for drinks and food and had an early night to prepare for the next day! It was so cool to hang with mum as well for the first time in ages! I vlogged a bunch too... well I lie - really micaela vlogged a lot lol 😂 I’m 50% excited to edit it and 50% terrified to see the behavior 🤨✌🏼 lol

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