ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 12月18日 05時46分

I’m proud to announce a new $50,000 donation from @karmagawa to @boochaces to help care for more animals as their rescue farm in New Jersey is truly a godsend to soooo many animals that would otherwise suffer or be killed. Also, it’s worth noting that Caitlin who runs @boochaces is so incredible because I told her I’d be down in Florida and Georgia and if she could recommend any great animal sanctuaries and that’s how @karmagawa donated to @rvrhorserescue @sweetolivefarm and @farmofthefree even though Caitlin had no idea I was also going to surprise her with a big check for the holidays too! She didn’t care if she got a donation or not, she just wants to help as many animals as possible and I absolutely love that…many more charities should support each other, not compete against one another, to help the most number of people and animals alike! #animalrescue #animalsarefriends #animalsdeservebetter #ranchorelaxo #karmagawa #hebrewclaus


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