伊藤ふたばさんのインスタグラム写真 - (伊藤ふたばInstagram)「知っている方も多いかと思いますが、去年11月頃から争われてきたCASを通した裁判の結果が先週ようやく出ました。 結果はJMSCAが主張してきた事が認められず、東京オリンピックを目指す事が出来なくなりました。  この問題が発覚し、ずっと不安定な状況でオリンピックを目指す事は、私にとって簡単な事ではありませんでした。 裁判の結果次第では、この大会に勝っても、オリンピックには出場出来ない。と言われている中でのトレーニングは本当に辛かったし、何度も何度も逃げたくなりました。  でも、やっぱり行きつく答えは "東京オリンピックに出場したい。 諦めたくない。" でした。  今までオリンピックを目指し、トレーニングをしてきた時間は無駄じゃなかったと思っていますし、自分を成長させる大切な時間だったと思います。 これを糧に、さらに強くなった姿を見せられるよう、頑張っていきます!  そして、同じ思いを2度と誰もしなくていいし、して欲しくない。そう強く思います。  今まで応援してくださった全ての皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。  次のパリオリンピックに向けて頑張ります!  I think many people already know this, The result of the trial that was disputed between JMSCA and IFSC finally came out. It wasn't admitted that  JMSCA was claiming, so I couldn't aim for the Tokyo Olympics.  Since the problem was happened, it was not easy for me to aim Olympics in an unstable situation. Training in that situation was very painful and I wanted to escape many times. And it was very stressful.  But the answer I always get is  "I want to participate in the Tokyo Olympics. I don't want to give up."  I think the days I've been training for the Olympics have been worth times. And I want to show how I became stronger with this.  And I strongly don't want anyone to have the same feelings as I do.  Thank you to everyone who has supported me!  I will do my best for the next Paris Olympics‼︎  __________________  @au_official @denso_official @anessa_official_shiseido @thenorthfacejp @lasportivajp @newerajapan @tokyopowder @newhale_japan @thestonesession #jazzysport #岩泉ヨーグルト photo by @tallers_photopress」12月19日 20時14分 - futaba_ito

伊藤ふたばのインスタグラム(futaba_ito) - 12月19日 20時14分








I think many people already know this, The result of the trial that was disputed between JMSCA and IFSC finally came out.
It wasn't admitted that JMSCA was claiming, so I couldn't aim for the Tokyo Olympics.

Since the problem was happened, it was not easy for me to aim Olympics in an unstable situation.
Training in that situation was very painful and I wanted to escape many times. And it was very stressful.

But the answer I always get is
"I want to participate in the Tokyo Olympics. I don't want to give up."

I think the days I've been training for the Olympics have been worth times.
And I want to show how I became stronger with this.

And I strongly don't want anyone to have the same feelings as I do.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me!

I will do my best for the next Paris Olympics‼︎


@au公式Instagramアカウント @denso_official @アネッサ @THE NORTH FACE JAPAN @lasportivajp @New Era Japan オフィシャル Instagram アカウント @tokyopowder @newhale_japan @thestonesession #jazzysport #岩泉ヨーグルト
photo by @tallers_photopress


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