ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 12月23日 14時41分

12.22 ༄ one day, after meditating under a beautiful tree in Kauai, I asked for a sign. It was a completely still & lovely day. Not a bit of breeze. At that exact moment, a gust of wind wrapped its arms around me and quietly went on its way. My eyes wouldn’t stop watering. My heart was racing ... no way 🥰 I thought. So I asked again. Please let me know that was you 🌀 it happened again ♥️ Same same. A hug from the Heavens brought to me on the wind. Now I know ✨I always knew .... now I KNOW KNOW ✨

This Masterpiece gives me so much sincere solace as I believe it’s true 🙏
Repost: @el_kerlo ✨your work is perfect 🙏


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