コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 12月27日 04時10分

If you’ve been following me for a while you know that every year we do a family Christmas talent, although the term talent is applied loosely here, ha!

To fully grasp this one you need to know a few things about my dad:
1. He loves food, and he really loves food when he has a discount
2. He’s pescatarian “seafood hoagies”
3. My mom’s name is Chrys
4. Besides food his other favorite things are getting and giving mail and sending us all random emails
5. He got hacked last year and it’s one of his missions in life to make sure that doesn’t happen to any of us
6. He gets 10,000 steps every day
7. He has a door cam so don’t kiss at the back door, He’ll see you
8. He’s been known to “lose” his cell phone while he’s holding it in his hand.
9. He loves laffy taffy jokes
10. Willies impersonation of him here is pretty spot on 😂

Okay I think that’s about it! He’s the best!! We all adore him!!

I hope this brings you a little laughter this Christmas! In honor of him feel free to comment your best laffy taffy joke 🤣


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




